Thursday, March 12, 2009

We're on a role...

Last night Megs and I had our third meeting with Mike and Holly, the couple who are helping us get ready for marriage. It was a really interesting night as there were one or two moments when Megs and I glanced at each other as if to say, “Huh, you gotta be kidding me!” It was good fun…

The reason why we had those moments was because we spent the evening discussing roles. It was interesting to hear what Megs expects of me as the spiritual leader of the house as well as the leader of the family. In a nut shell, we pretty much meet eye to eye from where we see each other fulfilling our various roles.

So over the course of next week, I’ve decided to ponder over the questions, “What is the role of the man in a marriage?” as well as, “What is the role of the woman in a marriage?”

If you’re married, how have you handled the topic and execution of roles in your marriage?

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