Friday, September 12, 2008

Pull your socks up and get your act into gear!

I was listening to an old Catalyst podcast today which I found in my archives. Gabe Lyons was interviewing Rob Bell and of course, when Rob speaks I listen (purely because if you miss one thing you can’t understand him). I find Rob to be incredibly deep and just as Gabe shares in the beginning of the podcast, “I’m gonna need to go back and listen to it at least another 2-3 times to get through all of the content. Rob is incredibly deep.”

Rob posed a question which really got me thinking. He asked, “If your church had to leave the city/town that it is situated in, would anyone notice? Would any non-believers from your town grieve at the loss of your church?”

Tough question…

I changed it a bit and tried to personalize the question…

If I left my home town today, who would notice? Who would grieve my leaving? Would any non-believers grieve?

Of course, Rob has forced me to go back to the drawing bored to see where it is I’ve gone wrong. Am I really following Jesus? Am I really following His commands? How is my life any different to those who choose not to believe in Jesus and His works? Am I really any different?

The more I explore these questions, the more I realize I need to pull my socks up and (in the words of my mother) get my act into gear…

How about you? If you had to leave your town today, would anyone notice?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Everyone wants to go to heaven

One day a cat dies of natural causes and goes to heaven. There he meets the Lord Himself. The Lord says to the cat "you lived a good life and if there is any way I can make your stay in Heaven more comfortable, please let Me know". The cat thinks for a moment and says "Lord, all my life I have lived with a poor family and had to sleep on a hard wooden floor." The Lord stops the cat and says "say no more" and a wonderful fluffy pillow appears.

Several days later 6 mice are killed in a tragic farming accident and go to heaven. Again there is the Lord there to greet them with the same offer. The mice answer "All of our lives we have been chased. We have had to run from cats, dogs and even women with brooms. Running, running, running; we're tired of running. Do you think we could have roller skates so we don't have to run anymore?" The Lord says "say no more" and fits each mouse with beautiful new roller skates.

About a week later the Lord stops by to see the cat and finds him snoozing on the pillow. The Lord gently wakes the cat and asks him "How are things since you are here?" The cat stretches and yawns and replies "It is wonderful here. Better than I could have ever expected. And those 'Meals On Wheels' you've been sending by are the best!”

Thanks to Joffers my boy from The Rude Awaking on Highveld Stereo for this corker!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 Killing Church Members

I came across this blog by Jesse Phillips yesterday on the catablog. I loved the title of it as it really got across my personal feelings with regards to church membership. Killing Church Members

Craig Groeschel recently announced they will no longer be having "church members." He said:

"it's going away, and the reason is because for years and years we've done it, and we just did it because other people did it and in my mind, it always kind of bothered me some because I thought, 'Well, if you are a believer, you're already a member of the family of God, but you still join a church because that's what you do,"

Is there anything you're doing that you do just because everyone else is doing it? Is everything you're doing wise and biblical? Christ didn't call us to uphold and honor traditions of men (He reprimands the Pharisees for this in Mark 7:1-13 ), but rather to effectively share the message of his love with the sick (outsiders) and make them disciples.

As leaders in the body of Christ, we should be periodically challenging the assumptions and traditions we have received from previous generations - lest we grow stale and lose our ability to engage outsiders.

What other traditions are we following that don't make sense anymore?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The stuff legends are made of...

It would seem that the South African Paralympic team know how to get things done! I can’t help but find these athletes incredibly inspiring. At this moment we’re sitting with 4 gold and 1 bronze medal! Well done guys! Charl Bouwer, Natalie du Toit, Oscar Pistorius and the rest of team SA are incredible role models. They have in so many ways (obviously unaware of the fact) taught me many great lessons. So many times I have found myself in a ditch just wanting to give up. Even if I knew that if I held on, the end would hold something sweeter than I’d ever tasted before. They didn’t give up.

I love this piece of writing about South African Oscar Pistorius. It really grasps the heart of what I’m trying to say…

“Because he is not the best of starters, it looked as if the race had got away from him, as Jerome Singleton of the United States approached the line beating his chest in triumph. But the man they call “Blade Runner” for the pair of prosthetics he wears after losing both his lower legs as an infant to a birth defect has a gear that only really kicks in after about 80m, and he came flying past the surprised Singleton.” (

I can’t help but wonder, what is it these guys have that we don’t?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Words of Wisdom

Whether it be through books, TV shows, radio, music or conversations with another person whom we find interesting, we often come across sayings that challenge us in new ways. Some make us laugh. Some make us cry. Others get us thinking. Whatever the quote, we’ve all been challenged and moved in some way…

Here are a few of my favorite quotes:

Being relevant means someone else got there first. We need to stop being relevant and start leading the way. – Erwin McManus

A follower of Christ is a disciplined person. When you commit to Christianity you become like everyone else before you. You do what everyone else has done and still do. That’s why Jesus died. He died to clone us all. [Paraphrase] – Erwin McManus

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. - Mahatma Gandhi

Christians are hard to tolerate, I don't know how Jesus does it. – Bono

I still haven't found what I'm looking for. – Bono

Everyone ends up somewhere, but few people end up somewhere on purpose. - Craig Groeschel

If you don't give to God, you don't love God. Love gives. Don't say you do if you don't give to Him, because you don't. - Craig Groeschel

Where does it come from? This quest? This need to solve life’s mysteries when the simplest of questions can never be answered. Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we’d be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. But that’s not human nature, not the human heart and is not why we are here. Yet, still we struggle to make a difference to change the world, to dream of hope, never knowing for certain who we will meet along the way. Who among the world of strangers will hold our hand, touch our hearts and share the pain of trying. - Mohinder Suresh

The higher our view of the worth of human beings, the more we shall want to serve them. - John Stott

I’m talking to real people. – Brandon Donaldson

OH MY GREATNESS!!! - Darren Simpson


What are some of your favorite quotes?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The heart of McLaren

As many of you know, I am an avid follower of Brian McLaren’s work. He has written many great books which have always challenged me and still do today. Although I don’t always agree with his theological outcomes, I admire his persistence to make ones spirituality their own and not the church as an institution, something so many of us fall into.

Recently labeled as one of the 25 most influential evangelicals in America, McLaren was faced with the question at a recent conference, “What do you think about gay marriage?” He simply replied, “You know what, the thing that breaks my heart is that there's no way I can answer it without hurting someone on either side.”

Should we not have an attitude such as McLaren’s? Are we perhaps to opinionated at times thereby hurting others?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Am African

I Am African

By Gabriel M. Setiloane

They call me African

African indeed I am:

Rugged son of the soil of Africa,

Black as my father, and his before him;

As my mother and sisters and brothers, living and gone from this world.

They ask me what I believe… my faith.

Some even think I have none

But live like the beasts of the field.

“What of God, the Creator

Revealed to mankind through the Jews of old,


Who has been and ever shall be?

Do you acknowledge Him?”

My fathers and theirs, many generations before, knew Him.

They bowed the knee to Him

By many names they knew Him,

And yet ‘tis He the One and only God

They called Him:


The First One

Who came ere ever anything appeared:



So big indeed that no space could ever contain Him.


Because His abode is far up in the sky.

They also knew Him as MODIRI:

For He has made all;

And Lesa:

The spirit without which the breath of man cannot be.

But, my fathers, from the mouths of their fathers, say

That this God of old shone

With a brightness so bright

It blinded them… Therefore…

He died Himself, UVELINGQAKI,

That none should reach His presence…

Unless they die (for pity flowed in His heart).

Only the fathers who are dead come into His presence.

Little gods bearing up the prayers and supplications

Of their children to the GREAT GOD…

“Tell us further you African:

What of Jesus, the Christ,

Born in Bethlehem:

Son of Man and Son of God

Do you believe in Him?”

For ages He eluded us, this Jesus of Bethlehem, Son of Man:

Going first to Asia and to Europe, and the western sphere,

Some say He tried to come to us,

Sending His messengers of old… But…

They were cut of by the desert and the great mountains of Ethiopia!

Wanderers from behind those mountains have told

Strange tales to our fathers,

And they in turn to others.

Tales of the Man of Bethlehem

Who went about doing good!

The theme of His truths is now lost in the mouths of women

As they sassed their little children and themselves to sleep.

Later on, He came, this Son of Man:

Like a child delayed He came to us.

The White Man brought Him.

He was pale, and not the Sunburnt Son of the desert.

As a child He came.

A wee little babe wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Ah, if only He had been like little Moses, lying

Sun-scorched on the banks of the River of God

We would have recognized Him.

He eludes us still this Jesus, Son of Man.

His words. Ah, they taste so good

As sweet and refreshing as the sap of the palm

Raised and nourished on African soil

The Truths of His words are for all men, for all time.

And yet for us it is when He is on the cross,

This Jesus of Nazareth, with holed hands

And open side, like a beast at a sacrifice:

When He is stripped naked like us,

Browned and sweating water and blood in the heat of the sun,

Yet silent,

That we cannot resist Him.

How like us He is, this Jesus of Nazareth,

Beaten, tortured, imprisoned, spat upon, truncheoned,

Denied by His own, and chased like a thief in the night.

Despised, and rejected like a dog that has flees,


No reason, but that He was Son of His Father,

OR… Was there a reason?

There was indeed…

As in that sheep or goat we offer in sacrifice,

Quiet and uncomplaining.

Its blood falling to the ground to cleanse it, as us:

And making peace between us and our fathers long passed away.

He is that LAMB!

His blood cleanses,

Not only us,

Not only the clan,

Not only the tribe,

But all, all MANKIND:

Black and White and Brown and Red,

All Mankind!

HO! ...Jesus, Lord, Son of Man and Son of God,

Make peace with your blood and sweat and suffering,


For the sins of Mankind, our fathers and us,

That standing in the same Sonship with all mankind and you,

Together with you, we can pray to Him above:

Monday, September 1, 2008

Pastor lied about cancer

This past Sunday I was told about a pastor who made a bad decision which resulted in some very bad publicity. After reading various coverage of the story, it seemed to all boil down to a pornography addiction which he was trying to hide. However, the pressure got to him and he just couldn’t keep it together any longer.

This story really saddens me, but we are now faced with the a serious question, “How are we as the church to respond to this fallen pastor” and perhaps most importantly, “How are we as the Church to respond to the non-believers?”

"Pastor lied about Cancer" by Bryan Patterson

Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 10:08am

I feel sad about posting this today. But you have a right to know the truth.

A pastor who preached about his terminal illness, and tugged at heartstrings with the hit Healer, has been exposed as a fraud.

Michael Guglielmucci inspired hundreds of thousands of young Christians with his terminal cancer “battle”.
Guglielmucci, whose parents established Edge Church International, an Assemblies of God church at O’Halloran Hill in Adelaide’s southern suburbs, is now seeking professional help.

Earlier this year, Mr Guglielmucci released a hit song, Healer , which was featured on Hillsong’s latest album.

The song debuted at No. 2 on the ARIA charts.

It since has become an anthem of faith for believers, many of whom are suffering their own illness and were praying for a miracle for Mr Guglielmucci, who has claimed for two years to be terminally ill.

It appears Mr Guglielmucci, who was a pastor with one of Australia’s biggest youth churches, Planetshakers, may even have deceived his own family.

“This news has come as a great shock to everyone including, it seems, his own wife and family,” Hillsong general manager George Aghajanian said in an email to his congregation yesterday.

“Michael has confirmed that he is not suffering with a terminal illness and is seeking professional help in Adelaide with the support of his family.

“We are asking our church to pray for the Guglielmucci family during this difficult time.”

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