Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Taking a step back in time...

My last couple of blogs have been rather serious and I think it’s time to cool down a bit… and just in time if you ask me! I need some help as I am trying to put together a list of the top 80’s songs. Reason being as I want to host a 80’s party later on in the year… and if I want to do that, I obviously need the good ol’ classics that take us back to the 80’s.

What I need from you guys is your favorite 80’s classic(s). Think of those tunes that immediately get your feet tapping, your arms waving and your heart singing at full volume!!!

For example, one of my all time classic is Billy Ocean’s “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!”

Of course there are many more that get me on the dance floor and I’m sure in your case as well!

So, what are the ultimate 80’s classics that get you going?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh no not another evangelical christian… Part Four

Thought Nine:

“You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.”

This one I can’t help but agree with as I often find evangelical Christians telling others that God didn’t answer your prayer because it’s not his will. I understand that it may not be his will and that he may have said no, but it really irritates me when someone tells an individual that God didn’t heal their loved one cause it isn’t his will.

Ok, I know I missed a bit what he was saying… I often question as to whether God does actually hear my prayers or not. Lately however I’ve decided to relook at the way I view and understand prayer and I believe that I was given a rather warped view in the churches that I have attended. Perhaps it’s not their fault, perhaps it is, that’s not the point I’m trying to get across. What I am trying to say is that I believe there is a lot of theology based on prayer that a large number of churches for some odd reason are not sharing.

Do you ever struggle to believe in prayer?

Thought Ten:

“You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.”

This is a statement that I agree with whole heartedly. The majority of Christians I know don’t read the Bible. You show me one Christian who reads his/her Bible and I’ll show you ten who don’t. I often have more intellectual conversations about my faith with non-believers than I do with so-called Christians. If you’re a Christian shouldn’t you at least know a bit about your faith?

How often do you read your Bible?

This has been a great series of blogs and I wanted to thank each and every one of you who participated whether it be through the comments or alternatively emails. I’m sure we’ve all learned something special…

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh no not another evangelical christian… Part Three

Thought 6:

You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.”

While this is not something I personal do, I know many individuals in the academic world who do. Does it really matter when, where and how the world was made? Don’t we have more important things to deal with? Eg. Extreme Poverty, Homeless People?

In my reading of Jesus’ life, I never saw him arguing over whether the earth was thousands or billions of years old. Rather I read of a Jesus who was interested (and still is) in today, the now.

Do you think this is a necessary argument?

Thought 7:

“You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and ‘loving.’”

Aaah… I think this has got to be the most controversial topic surrounding Evangelical Christianity. Is hell a real physical place, Yes? No? Well, depending on answer (I believe) your views and opinions would vary on this one. Hell will always be ‘hot’ topic of discussion.

What I would suggest here is that we (the evangelical Christians) seriously think about how we go about sharing our faith. Are the people around you aware of the fact that you’re a believer because you told them or are they aware of it because of your actions?

How do you share your faith with others?

Thought 8:

“While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity.”

I’m bound to get emails because of this one!

Tongue’s has always been a sensitive area of theology for me personally. I have often been told that I need to revisit my understanding of this gift as the view I hold is the incorrect view.

I don’t think speaking in tongues proves anything to a nonbeliever. If it does prove anything to them, it may be that you’re an idiot rolling around on the floor. No one who is visiting a church for the first time wants to see that kind of thing.

I took a friend of mine to home cell/life group meeting where she was looked down upon because she did not speak in tongues. She was really offended and honestly, I can’t blame her for feeling that way… Can you?

Do you think speaking in tongues is the best way to ‘prove’ Christianity?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh no not another evangelical christian… Part Two

Fourth Thought:

“Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Yahweh slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees!”

This one I think boils down to either two things. The first being that many Christians don’t even read the Bible and so aren’t even aware of these sort of stories and the second being I believe, a misunderstanding of the scriptures. I myself am one of those ‘evangelical’ Christians who are against atrocities attrituted to Allah. Many of those who make use of this argument forget to take the ‘time period’ into consideration.

Large killings were common in ancient times… large killings are not common in today’s times. Do I need to point it out any further?
Do you agree with this fourth thought?

Fifth thought:

“You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.”

This is what makes Christianity so unique and different from other faiths. Again there is nothing else I can suggest here but to respect and love others of different religions. We may think that their faith stories are strange and unusual, but just how unusual is our story to them? It took me many years before I finally accepted the fact that Christ was born of a virgin and that he died and rose after 3 days. I now believe whole heartedly that Jesus is the only way to the Father (Just to clear that up before I start getting more of those threatening emails!).

Were you easily convinced regarding the virgin birth?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Oh no, not another evangelical christian… Part One

I recently read a blog post titled “10 Things I hate about you… er sorry… Evangelical Christianity,” which really got me thinking… In this post, there were some rather challenging thoughts. Although I don’t necessarily agree with them all, there are a few points which sadly explain the status of Evangelical Christianity today. One only has to read a few books such as to “They like Jesus but not the Church” by Dan Kimball or “UnChristian” by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons to gain a small glimpse of how the evangelical church has sadly marred her own identity.

What I thought I’d do through 3-4 posts, is work my way through this blog and share my thoughts and in return hear yours. I know that some of you are quite conservative in your thinking and so I’d love to hear your thoughts as to why you disagree with some of this authors thoughts.

Here is the first thought:

You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.

This I would argue is so common, we don’t even see it, perhaps because we’re the ones doing the arguing. I say we as I see a bit of evangelical Christianity in my own spirituality although I don’t really enjoy labeling myself. That’s another discussion tho!

Why is it that we expect people to listen to our arguments as to why the/our Christian God exists and yet we don’t have the energy, time, patience, or whatever it is listen and hear out their story. Perhaps they to have thought through their religion and they believe theirs makes more sense than what ours does.

Here is the second thought:

You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.

This one caught me off guard a bit as I’ve never really thought of the creation of humanity in this sense. I certainly have been criticized many times with regards to my understandings of and views on the doctrine of humanity, as I go against what most ‘reformed’ and perhaps ‘liberal’ scholars would believe. I’m open to chatting about this at some point. A future post? Maybe…

What is it about evolution that gets under your skin?

Here is the third thought:

You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

Why is it that we think people are (to put it nicely) silly when they worship cows, elephants etc? A very valid point I believe, is raised here. We insult and laugh at someone worshiping something they in most cases can see, understand and touch when the God we serve is a God who is 3 persons in 1. A God who is/was in one place yet was all over at the same time. A God who is all powerful yet died a sickening death on a cross. There are many things about our God which doesn’t make sense at all… have you thought about the God you worship against the God they worship?

These really are just quick random thoughts off the top of my head in response to what I read. I’ve also tried to share and provoke your thinking based on my personal experiences with those in other religions. Should we not sit and think through this before start trying to convince others that we have the answer?

Do you have any thoughts on these three thoughts?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It came from within!

I recently began reading, “It came from within!” by Andy Stanley. Great book so far… The first chapter really got me thinking and so I thought I would share some of those with you.

Ultimately if I were to sum up the chapter into one sentence or rather question, it would be this: “How is your heart doing?” or “What is the condition of your heart?”

The reason why this is such an important question and should be an important question is based on Ezekiel 36:26 - “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”

This is a rather interesting statement. What makes it even more interesting as Andy points out; it was stated after the people were given the 10 commandments. “Clearly it wasn’t enough for them to know what to do; they needed to change from the inside out in order to follow through” (26).

So, what does this mean to you and I?

It means that just as we have to, they to had to “drop the public persona and become one whole and healthy person.”

So many of us who have accepted Christ have opened the front door of our hearts to him welcoming him into our lives, yet we’ve never allowed him access into certain areas of our hearts. That in simple English is why our relationships take strain…

Just how much access does he have in your heart? Are you living the lives of 2 people as I often have?
I often find myself saying, “I can’t believe I just said that.” Truth is it shouldn’t be such a shock to me as it reveals the condition of my heart…

So on that note I ask, how is your heart? Is your heart able to keep up with your outward obedience?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Another one bites the dust…

Last night William (my future father in law) and I spent a portion of the evening ooohing and aaaahing whilst watching the Queen Live at Wembley. If you haven’t seen this DVD it’s well worth adding to your collection. Hence why I have it… Queen really had a stage presence which stood out above the others.

Brain May… a true legend. The man is a machine behind 6 strings. Is there anything he can’t do? Roger Taylor is also someone who takes playing a drum kit to a whole new level. Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon are 4 men that will be known and respected with regards to the music industry for many years to come.

However, as many of you know, I am a HUGE U2 fan. I just got the new album and I’m absolutely loving it. Get yourself a copy today… Ok, enough U2 promo’s…

What I wanted to know from you is this: “If Freddie Mercury were still alive and Queen were therefore still performing, who would be the bigger rock band today, U2 or Queen?”

At the moment, William’s all for Queen and I’m (obviously) all for U2

Who do you think would be the most well known rock band between Queen and U2?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Men's Consideration for Women

After receiving many comments and mails yesterday based on “We’re on a role,” I thought I’d share one email which I found extremely humorous.

I don’t think I’ll take the advice given in the article, but it definitely made me laugh!

Thanks Patsy for forwarding this to me.


Men's Consideration for Women

It is important for men to remember that, as women grow older, it becomes harder for them to maintain the same quality of housekeeping as when they were younger.

When you notice this, try not to yell at them. Some are oversensitive, and there's nothing worse than an oversensitive woman.
My name is Jeff. Let me relate how I handled the situation with my wife, Susie.
Since I retired several years ago, it has become necessary for Susie to get a full-time job along with her part-time job, both for extra income and for the health insurance benefits that we needed.
Shortly after she started working, I noticed she was beginning to show her age. I usually get home from the golf club about the same time she gets home from work.
Although she knows how hungry I am, she almost always says she has to rest for half an hour or so before she starts dinner. I don't yell at her.
Instead, I tell her to take her time and just wake me when she gets dinner on the table. I generally have lunch in the Men's Grill at the club, so eating out is costly and not reasonable, and I'm ready for some home-cooked grub when I hit that door.
She used to do the dishes as soon as we finished eating. But now it's not unusual for them to sit on the table for several hours after dinner. I do what I can by diplomatically reminding her several times each evening that they won't clean themselves. I know she really appreciates this, as it does seem to motivate her to get them done before she goes to bed.
Another symptom of aging is complaining. For example she will say that it is difficult for her to find time to pay the monthly bills during her lunch hour.
But, boys, we take 'em for better or worse, so I just smile and offer encouragement. I tell her to stretch it out over two or even three days. That way she won't have to rush so much. I also remind her that missing lunch completely now and then wouldn't hurt her any (if you know what I mean). I like to think that tact is one of my strong points.
When doing simple jobs, she seems to think she needs more rest periods. She had to take a break when she was only half finished mowing the lawn. I try not to make a scene. I'm a fair man. I tell her to fix herself a nice, big, cold glass of freshly squeezed lemonade and just sit for a while. And, as long as she is making one for herself, she may as well make one for me too.
I know that I probably look like a saint in the way I support Susie. I'm not saying that showing this much consideration is easy. Many men will find it difficult. Some will find it impossible! Nobody knows better than I do how frustrated women get, as they get older.
However, guys, even if you just use a little more tact and less criticism of your aging wife because of this article, I will consider that writing this was well worthwhile.

After all, we are put on this earth to help each other.
Jeff died suddenly on March 1 of a perforated rectum. The police report says he was found with a Calloway extra long 50-inch Big Bertha Driver II golf club jammed up his rear end, with barely 5 inches of grip showing and a sledge hammer laying nearby.His wife Susie was arrested and charged with murder. The all-woman jury took only 15 minutes to find her Not Guilty, accepting her defence that Jeff somehow, without looking, accidentally sat down on his golf club.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

We're on a role...

Last night Megs and I had our third meeting with Mike and Holly, the couple who are helping us get ready for marriage. It was a really interesting night as there were one or two moments when Megs and I glanced at each other as if to say, “Huh, you gotta be kidding me!” It was good fun…

The reason why we had those moments was because we spent the evening discussing roles. It was interesting to hear what Megs expects of me as the spiritual leader of the house as well as the leader of the family. In a nut shell, we pretty much meet eye to eye from where we see each other fulfilling our various roles.

So over the course of next week, I’ve decided to ponder over the questions, “What is the role of the man in a marriage?” as well as, “What is the role of the woman in a marriage?”

If you’re married, how have you handled the topic and execution of roles in your marriage?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm gonna be a famous blogger!!!

Like many of my friends, I to want be a world famous blogger... I just didn't know how I'd get there...

BUT NOW... Thanks to my now good friend, Dave Walker, I'm gonna be famous!!!

I now know how to become a famous blogger...

cartoon from www.weblogcartoons.com

Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

Are you aware of any other funny cartoons?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Life. Money. Hope.

Trying to make sense of the economy?

All across the world we are feeling the effects of the downturn in the economy. Which means all of us will be needing to watch our finances more, maybe even more than we are used to.

That is why the next series coming from LifeChurch.tv is so amazing. Starting this week leading financial expert Dave Ramsey joins us to share timeless advice on the money matters right under your own roof.

Come try Church Online and join us as we learn how to take control of our financial future and launch a personal economic revolution during this upcoming series.

How are you doing with regards to your finances?

Friday, March 6, 2009

Changing the world one experience at a time!

The Internet is absolutely amazing. In many ways it has helped each and everyone us and in many ways it has also caused serious harm to us. I’m not sure of the exact statistics, but I do know that more than half of all google searches in one day are of a sexual nature.

But I’m not blogging about porn today. Today I wanted to share with you what a difference having church online can make. Many have argued with me stating their many reasons (some really good and some really pathetic) as to why I should give up on the ‘internet Church.’

Despite these many conversations, I still firmly believe and always will believe that the online church can make such an impact in the lives of so many… an impact beyond our imaginations. I get to speak to more people online on a daily basis then I do face to face… I get to reach people I would never reach had it not been for the internet

In the video below taken from SWERVE, Craig Groeschel, the senior pastor of LifeChurch.tv shares a list of all the countries which had representatives during the course of the past weekend. This is just one of the many reasons why I volunteer at LifeChurch.tv. Perhaps you should try.

There are plenty of experiences which one can participate in. Check out or times here or drop me an email and I’ll put you in touch with the right people!

Have you ever experienced church online? What are your thoughts about church online?

Countries Online from LifeChurch.tv on Vimeo.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dinner for two…

Megs and I attended our second meeting last night with a couple (who we really respect) who are assisting us with marriage preparation. So far it’s been great fun and we’ve both been stretched in our thinking about marriage.

Last night we had a discussion about finances… this is the one area where I’ve struggled to keep my wallet closed. I love giving as well as looking after myself. If I see something and I like it, I buy it…

One of the things which we’ve both decided to do is keep all our slips for the month of March. This way we’ll be able to see where and when we spent the biggest portions of our income. Must admit, I am a bit nervous to see how much I spend on junk food!!! Don’t laugh; I’m sure you’d be too!!!

One of our questions that we asked was, “How do we budget for food when we’ve never had to budget for two people?”

Their suggestion was that we go to a shopping mall and do a dummy shopping trip. We go and price everything based on meals that we’d like to eat for one week.

Another suggestion which was given to us as well, which we’re going to try is asking our parents to keep all their shopping receipts. We will then take these receipts and work from them, of course remembering that they’re buying for more than 2.

This is definitely going to be an interesting task!

Have you ever tried to work out where your money goes? Have you got any advice for us as a young couple regarding our finances? Should or shouldn’t we draw up a budget?
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