Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The out of line duck...

Here is another paragraph (from The Disciple Making Pastor by Bill Hull) which really challenged me. I was lead to answer the question, “Am I just a believer or am I follower?” Being a believer and being a follower are two different things… I’ve always told others that I was a disciple (a follower) of Jesus, yet after reading this paragraph, I questioned that… I realized that maybe not all my ducks were in a row like I thought they were…

“Disciples do more than simply believe; many believed in Christ, few followed Him. Few dropped their normal life routine to become followers. Note that up to 500 followed Him during the height of His popularity. Disciples made sacrifices to adjust their lifestyles to obey Christ; they were a breed apart. A disciple was and is a person of concrete action and commitment. Jesus characterized disciples as people of commitment and obedience. They also willingly suffered and shared in the work.”

Are all your ducks in a row like you think they are?

Cited in Hull, B.2007. The Disciple Making Pastor: Leading Other’s on the Journey of Faith. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books.

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