Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm not following Jesus...

The past 8 days have been absolutely terrible for me… I spent pretty much ever hour of them in bed as I coughed and sneezed my heart out! Good thing is that when I wasn’t feeling too groggy, I could still pick up a good book and read to try and rid my mind of all the annoying things my body was having to fight. I came across this quote which of course got me pondering for a while…

“Disciples do more than simply believe; many believed in Christ, few followed Him. Few dropped their normal life routine to become followers. Note that up to 500 followed Him during the height of His popularity. Disciples made sacrifices to adjust their lifestyles to obey Christ; they were a breed apart. A disciple was and is a person of concrete action and commitment. Jesus characterized disciples as people of commitment and obedience. They also willingly suffered and shared in the work.” - Bill Hull

I was left stranded wondering if I knew what I was actually doing in terms of my Christian faith. Am I just believing in Christ, or am I actually following Him? I found myself realizing that on so many occasions my life shows that I believe in Him, but I’m not following Him…

What about you? Are you a follower or just a believer?

Cited in Hull, B.2007. The Disciple Making Pastor: Leading Other’s on the Journey of Fath. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books.

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