Monday, December 15, 2008

Carpe Manana

God was willing to submit the Godhead to cultural conditions – that’s the Incarnation.
And we aren’t?
God so loved the world.
And we won’t?
The Church is trying to get out of what God is trying to get into – the world.

(Taken from “Carpe Manana: Is Your Church ready to Sieze Tomorrow” by Leonard Sweet Pg 26)

I absolutely love this quote! It really gets me thinking in terms of how the Church should be moving along with culture. God the almighty creator of the heavens and the earth submitted to human culture in order to reach us, should the church then not do the same in return? He is definitely bigger than culture, and so the Church also has more to offer than the circular world we find ourselves in. But many are not aware of this…

If this is the case, which I believe it to be, then we’re living out the great reversal which Luke so passionately teaches and pushes us towards… We are as much the Biblical Church as we aren’t the Biblical Church.

So then, perhaps Leonard Sweet is right on the money when he suggests that as believers of Christ we should stop trying to Carpe Diem (seize the day) and rather move forward and Carpe Manana (Seize Tomorrow)…

Are you moving along with culture or are stuck in today?

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