Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lunch and Dessert in One!!!

This past weekend has proven to be a rather busy one! With my engagement and graduation in the space of two days, I was completely wiped out by Monday. I couldn’t help but get home from work and hit the sack. I slept like a baby!!! Why do people say they slept like a baby when everyone knows that babies barely sleep at night?

Anyway, what I wanted to share with you before I share about my graduation was the lunch that Megan and I had after my graduation on Saturday. I’m sure many of you have never even heard of this meal let alone actually tried it!!! Megan and I both had chocolate hamburgers for lunch… Megan’s was more of a kiddies burger where as mine was the adult burger. A adult chocolate burger?!?! Megan doesn’t eat much, hence the kiddie burger… Mine was supposed to be a Chocolate and chilli burger, but I really didn’t taste any chilli. Megan’s had sprinkles on hers!!! Meat and sprinkles?!?!? I think we both deserve a round of applause for bravery :)

Although I did enjoy it, I don’t think I’d ever eat it on a regular basis…. A meat patty covered in chocolate sauce is just not the regular meal one looks forward to…

Would you try this burger or have you eaten anything similar?

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