Wednesday, September 10, 2008 Killing Church Members

I came across this blog by Jesse Phillips yesterday on the catablog. I loved the title of it as it really got across my personal feelings with regards to church membership. Killing Church Members

Craig Groeschel recently announced they will no longer be having "church members." He said:

"it's going away, and the reason is because for years and years we've done it, and we just did it because other people did it and in my mind, it always kind of bothered me some because I thought, 'Well, if you are a believer, you're already a member of the family of God, but you still join a church because that's what you do,"

Is there anything you're doing that you do just because everyone else is doing it? Is everything you're doing wise and biblical? Christ didn't call us to uphold and honor traditions of men (He reprimands the Pharisees for this in Mark 7:1-13 ), but rather to effectively share the message of his love with the sick (outsiders) and make them disciples.

As leaders in the body of Christ, we should be periodically challenging the assumptions and traditions we have received from previous generations - lest we grow stale and lose our ability to engage outsiders.

What other traditions are we following that don't make sense anymore?

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