Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sweet Love...

Recently I’ve been referred to as the Life Group / Missions / Evangelistic guy and it’s really got me thinking. What is it about my “trademarks” that lead people to think that way? What is it about the words I say, the things I do that lead others to such a perspective? For some time I wondered around deep within my own heart, my own mind and my own soul. I needed to see what it was that others were seeing that I myself was not right on target with. Maybe it was the fact that I’m a few months away from graduation… or maybe it was that I had been involved in various ministries. I needed to know what it was.

What I found was interesting. Needless to say, I was blown away by what I came across. I came across a man who was different and was on a mission to share it. However, I found that this heart was on a mission to share this interesting concept with others in a way beyond anything I feel I would have ever considered. I was sharing the love I had found, the acceptance I had found, and I was doing it without even knowing it. I found that it had absolutely nothing to do with me… nothing. It was because one man decided to show me what real love is that I am able to attempt to show others what real love is. I may not always get it right, but I know I’m trying and it’s not coming from me, it’s coming from Him. It’s got nothing to do with me… All my past is just that, my past. I am at the start of a new journey… and I’m not alone.

This was fascinating to me… I finally realized what Rob Bell meant when he argued that the church should never need to teach how to evangelize. Why should we teach the followers of Christ how to share His love? If they have truly experienced His love, they’ll know how to share it. It will come naturally… kind of like when you got that toy you really wanted for your birthday. You had no problem telling everyone how it works and why it was so great. There was just something about it that grabbed your heart. If you need to learn how to evangelize, I question as to if you really know what this love is that we all talk about so often…

What is so beautiful for myself with regards to Christ’s love, is that it’s a mystery, yet so simple to grasp at the same time. I have absolutely no idea how it works, but it grabbed my heart and took control of my life. It is a life that requires more and more of me every day. The beautiful side to this story is the fact that many have shared that I barely talk about Christ, but they know He’s there. They know how I feel about Him. They know He has full control of my being.

So, what am I actually trying to say? Well, I think what I’m really trying to say is that you don’t need a degree in Theology to share the love of Christ. You don’t need a degree in Theology to experience the love of Christ. It’s just there… waiting to be tapped into, free of charge, yet at the same time at full cost. I don’t need to be anybody other than myself in order to truly share the love so freely given to us. It is the only way one can truly get the truth out.

Do you know of this love I’m referring to?

Sweet Love

I’ve been wondering round my soul again
Just to find what I’ve become
I thought that I’d find something beautiful
Or some trophies that I’ve won
Maybe a little better than before
But still rotten to the core

Without Your sweet, sweet love
Without Your sweet, sweet love

Lord I don’t know where I’d be today
Without amazing grace
Cause if You left me to my own devise
I’d fall rite on my face
But I’m no better than I was before
I’m still rotten to the core

(written and sung by Gary Rea)

Download this song free of charge at

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