Monday, August 17, 2009

My final week under House Arrest (3 of 7)

Re-Post of House Arrest (3 of 4)

How I stay sane well spending so much time at home

Let me start off by stating that it is not easy. I do have my days where I feel like I’m sitting in a cage while the world carries on spinning around me. It has been a humbling experience for me to experience what it means to be placed under house as it shows one that whether or not you’re
apart of the world, it’s going to carry on spinning.

Firstly I consider myself fortunate to be doing my time in an actual house. During my various meetings at the Correctional Department in Cape Town, I have meet many who are in a far worse state then I. I have meet some who are having to do their time in a shack within a informal settlement. This is heart breaking and again reminds me that despite my situation, I am better of then many others.

Being a student, I am always busy, be it with readings, assignments, presentations etc. It is possibly the one thing that grabs my time and really consumes it. During the college terms, I barely feel my house arrest as I barely have time to even think about. However, the terms at college do come to an end and I am then faced with the reality of what being under house arrest means. It is challenging as I find things to keep my mind busy.

I am fortunate enough to have a internet connection at home, so I use a large amount of my time reading and blogging online. Apart from that, I do play the occasional online game... I must also admit, (not that I'm sorry for it) that my personal library has grown quite substantially as I now have quite a large amount of time to spend reading. But as my lecturers keep saying, "That's a goooooood thing!!!"

I have also used the time in a practical manner to attack things that need to be done around the house. The past 4 months I have spent time painting, with my ipod in my pocket keeping me going. It's amazing how much information is available out there in terms of podcasts...

There are many other small things which keep me going, but these are the general things I do to get me from day to day…

Tomorrow I will share what it is that I have learned from being under house arrest. I will share how I have taken what seems to be a horrific and unfair event for many, and changed it into what I believe to be a blessing from God.

If you were under house arrest, how would you keep yourself busy?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey im 13 and im on house arrest im going crazy do you have any productive ideas because I am very active and lookin outside kills me that I can't be out there any ideas?

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