Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Little white envelopes please… or not!

Ok… so we’ve started designing the invitations. Who would’ve thought that so much thought would have to go into such a small project? Well, maybe the ladies reading this would understand the amount of time taken to produce those ‘perfect’ invitations, but I’m not to sure the guys would/do.

But that’s not the purpose of this note. We’ve (Megs says its only me though) hit a slight bump which we’re trying to maneuver our way either through or alternatively over. Let me explain…

For around 2-3 years I lived on my own, thereby accumulating pretty much everything one needs to live reasonably comfortably. Ok, so Megan doesn’t approve of all of my ‘manhood’ stuff so I suppose I would have to get rid of some of the stuff. Anyway, the point is, we have what we need to live: Crockery, Cutlery, Toothpaste, Dishwashing Liquid, Toilet Paper etc.
This is where our dilemma begins to take shape…
We don’t really need anything besides the big things which I’ve already blogged about – Stove, Fridge, Washing Machine etc. Feel free to donate those things should you feel lead to do so! Lol!!!
Most people would give toasters, kettles etc. and we really don’t need two of everything, so we’re thinking of asking people to consider giving a financial gift if they were in the first place, considering giving one.
Do you think this is a rude thing to do? If not, what do you consider we do to get our request through in the politest way possible?

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