Thursday, February 26, 2009

You win some and you lose some!

I think the biggest lesson I learned from Ashley and Candice’s wedding is the fact that there will be a point in the day where you’ll be disappointed. What you make of that disappointment is completely up to you.

Ashley had a really nice white suit on which of course stood out from myself and the rest of the grooms men. As tradition goes, we were all driven to the church in a pretty sweet BMW. Ash’s uncle was really proud of the opportunity he had to drive us; that he went all out in cleaning his car. So much so that even the seats received a polish… but that’s what caused the problem…

Although his uncle meant well, the polish came off and Ashley’s white suit became a black and white suit. The boys heart sank… What was I to do as a best man?

In a nutshell, we just lived with it and we went through the ceremony…

So, I learned that no matter how hard you plan and try, something will go wrong and the real challenge is actually how you go about handling it! I really need to give a shout out to Ash for the way he just lived with it, despite the fact that he did panic a bit… Ash my man, kudo’s to you!!!

Have you ever seen something go wrong at/during a wedding?

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