Monday, February 16, 2009

I had a leak...

I was listening to a podcast by Tim Lucas of Liquid church a few days ago which really got me thinking… basically he shared a story about a how the bathroom wash basin started to leak every time he opened the tap.

Of course he thought to himself I gotta get that fixed… as do we when we something leaking in our homes, cars etc. However, as time went on he found himself getting more and more used to the leak. In other words he became accustomed to the leak. He learned to live with it. He settled for second best… until the leak got so bad and messed everything up in the bathroom when the pipes burst.

His pipe didn’t burst, cause he fixed it in the end (I think). But that got me thinking…

There are so many leaks in my own spiritual life. For example, there have been many occasions where I have said to myself that I’m too tired to spend some time reading the Bible. One day didn’t seem much to me and so it slowly became a habit. Eventually one became two and two became three etc.

It didn’t phase me as I slowly became accustomed to the leak and just taught myself to live with it. I kept telling myself that I’m human and I get tired and I can’t always meet the requirements of commited Bible reading…. I learned to live with the leak.

Recently however, I decided to fix the leak and move forward… now instead of 2/3’s of the water flow, I’m getting all of it and it’s tasting good!

Have you got a leak which you need to sort out? Have you become accustomed to a leak?

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