Monday, February 23, 2009

The Beautiful Bride

This past Saturday I was lucky enough to be the best man to my sister’s now husband, Ashley. The wedding was absolutely beautiful and my sister did a great job in organizing everything. I was really proud of her for that very reason. However what really stood out for me was her absolute beauty.

I have never seen a more beautiful bride and probably won’t see a more beautiful bride up and until my wedding. She blew me away as she walked down the aisle and it seemed only natural that Ashley shed a tear as she walked up to him.

She was stunning…

With my wedding just around the corner I thought I’d share through the course of this week what I learned from being involved in my sisters wedding…

For today, I’m just going to share 3 photo’s taken by Michelle Fish, a good mate of mine…

Can you remember ever seeing a bride that just blew you away?

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