Thursday, February 26, 2009

You win some and you lose some!

I think the biggest lesson I learned from Ashley and Candice’s wedding is the fact that there will be a point in the day where you’ll be disappointed. What you make of that disappointment is completely up to you.

Ashley had a really nice white suit on which of course stood out from myself and the rest of the grooms men. As tradition goes, we were all driven to the church in a pretty sweet BMW. Ash’s uncle was really proud of the opportunity he had to drive us; that he went all out in cleaning his car. So much so that even the seats received a polish… but that’s what caused the problem…

Although his uncle meant well, the polish came off and Ashley’s white suit became a black and white suit. The boys heart sank… What was I to do as a best man?

In a nutshell, we just lived with it and we went through the ceremony…

So, I learned that no matter how hard you plan and try, something will go wrong and the real challenge is actually how you go about handling it! I really need to give a shout out to Ash for the way he just lived with it, despite the fact that he did panic a bit… Ash my man, kudo’s to you!!!

Have you ever seen something go wrong at/during a wedding?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Best Man

One of the first things I learned from my sister and brother inlaw's wedding was how to prepare a best man speech. I thought it would be more daunting a task then it actually proved to be.

I have done training in public speaking and am reasonably comfortable in front of a crowd, however because I had never before done a BM speech I was absolutely scared out of my pants! Despite my shakey knees, sweaty palms and quivering voice, I had so much fun sharing this speech which I made up from jokes I found on the net... The internet really can help you if you just know where to look :) Below you can read my speech which took me roughly 3-4 hours to prepare.

So, the biggest lesson I learned from doing my best man speech is this: HAVE FUN!!!

Have you ever had to do a speech at a wedding? How did it go?

Ashley and Candice’s Wedding – 21 February 2009

Thank you Nathan, for that generous introduction – wonderfully restrained, I thought.

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen – before I start, the manger of this venue has asked me to request that, for reasons concerning the health and safety of all, none of you get up on top of your tables and chairs during my standing ovation.

What can you say about a man who came from humble beginnings and is now quickly rising to the very top of his profession based solely on intelligence, grit and the willpower to push on where others might fail? A man who is beginning to distinguish himself amongst his peers and where none can say a bad word against him? Well that's enough about me, I'm here to talk about Ashley.

I must admit to being rather nervous about today's speech as it’s a family occasion. The last thing I want to do is cause offence by sharing too much detail about Ashley’s very colorful past. I therefore decided to edit out anything that might upset anyone present. So thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen, and goodnight.

I feel incredibly honored to be the brother of Candice and the best man to Ashley. Thank you for this prestigious task.

I’m sure you can agree with me in stating that the bridesmaids and flower girls look absolutely beautiful today. Only to be outshone by our blushing bride, my sister, Candice. I'm sure you'll agree with me gentlemen, today is a sad day for single men, as another beauty leaves the available list. Ladies, I'm sure you'll agree that today's passing by without much of a ripple.

I’d also like to thank my parents, as well as Ashley’s parents for a wonderful set out and organized day. Not forgetting everyone who has worked tirelessly behind the scenes. And finally, thank you all for attending and joining us in celebrating this wonderful occasion. You all have in some way or another played a role in making this day the happiest day of both Ashley and Candice’s lives.

The happiest day of their lives – Being a philosopher, that phrase got me thinking. Many people say that your wedding day is the happiest day of your life. So, if that's the case and it certainly seems to be, I'd like to ask the husbands amongst us tonight, does that mean its all downhill from here?

Ashley became part of our lives back in I believe around 1998. What a man… I can honestly say that in all the years I've known him, no one has ever questioned his intelligence. In fact, I've never heard anyone even mention it.

I remember arriving home from school absolutely famished and ready to munch down anything I could find only to find out that Ashley had got to the kitchen before me and cleared us out. I thought we’d been robbed. I’ve never known anyone to eat as much 2 minute noodles as this man did.

Let me give you all some worthy advice, if Ashley comes round for a visit; lock your fridge and cupboard doors! Seriously! I learned the hard way.

Besides his fascination for noodles he also had an interest in acting. Thing is, I think he suffered a bit from stage fright. Ashley is the only individual I know of who could drink and act in a school play at the same time. In fact, he is the only person I know of that could finish a bottle of vodka on his own during the show whilst backstage and still get through it still standing.

What I don’t understand Ashley is how you could get through a 2 hour show without anyone noticing but not know how to open a gate? Instead of opening the gate to leave the school premises, Ashley decided to rather go over it… head first.

I came a across an interview in which an old man was asked how he felt about his marriage. He replied by stating that he felt absolutely terrible. When asked why he asked the interviewer, “Do you remember those words till death do you part?” The interviewer replied, “Yes I do.” The old man then replied, “Well I reached the point where I found out that when I said those words I wasn’t making a promise, I was setting a goal.”

Despite this, I have to give it to you Ashley. You’re a man who keeps his word and I know that you love Candice with you whole heart and soul. I wish you and your beautiful wife all the best in the many years that lie ahead of you.Ladies and gentlemen, would you join me please by charging your glasses and raising them as I share a short poem written by William Shakespeare to the newly-weds.

Here's to the bride - may she share everything with her husband...and that includes the housework.
Here's to the groom, a man who kept his head even while he lost his heart.

Here's to the new husband, and here's to the new wife,
may they remain lovers, for all of life.
Let your love endure beyond the last sunset.
May thy life be long and happy,
Thy cares and sorrows few;
And the many friends around thee Prove faithful, fond and true.
May your voyage through life be as happy and as free
As the dancing waves on the deep blue sea
May your love be added,
may it never be subtracted,
may your household multiply, and may your hearts never be divided!!

Ashley take Candice's hand and place your hand over hers. Now, remember this moment and cherish it... because this will be the last time you'll ever have the upper hand!"


Monday, February 23, 2009

The Beautiful Bride

This past Saturday I was lucky enough to be the best man to my sister’s now husband, Ashley. The wedding was absolutely beautiful and my sister did a great job in organizing everything. I was really proud of her for that very reason. However what really stood out for me was her absolute beauty.

I have never seen a more beautiful bride and probably won’t see a more beautiful bride up and until my wedding. She blew me away as she walked down the aisle and it seemed only natural that Ashley shed a tear as she walked up to him.

She was stunning…

With my wedding just around the corner I thought I’d share through the course of this week what I learned from being involved in my sisters wedding…

For today, I’m just going to share 3 photo’s taken by Michelle Fish, a good mate of mine…

Can you remember ever seeing a bride that just blew you away?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mixing Politics and Religion

With the South African National Presidential Election around the corner, I think we (South Africans) should focus on Jesus and politics. We need to understand this so that we may all vote wisely in a way that our country may bring glory to our Lord and Saviour...

With that said, Ashley, a good friend of mine is getting the ball rolling with this series.

Are you ready for a life changing election?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My to get list

Recently I started on my (can I say) trip to find the many items Megs and I would need to start a home. These items would be things such as a fridge, stove, couches etc. What I wasn’t prepared for was the prices!!! WoW!!!

Some of these everyday things are really expensive…One thing which really blew me away was the prices of beds… they sure don’t make them cheap now days!

Whilst browsing around the web for some cheap shops, I came across this bed and I thought I’d share it with you… Maybe I should consider getting one of these… :)

What do you guys recommend we place at the top of list of things to get?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Church unites in action to reach our world


We pray to Jesus asking Him to answer our prayers—what if we became the answer to His? In John 17:20-24, He prayed that we would be one, and One Prayer is an opportunity to see what can be accomplished when the Church works together.

20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one:

23 I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. 24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.

In June 2008, God worked in amazing ways as more than two million believers stood together to pray, fast, learn, and love others. This year, we'll be joining forces once again for an extraordinary worldwide experience: One Prayer 2009. Beginning the first weekend in June, we'll come together for four weeks as we learn more about our Creator and go out into the world to share, serve and give.

We'll partner around the globe and explore the theme "God is …”

We're looking forward to hearing what the gifted communicators participating in One Prayer have to say about this topic through messages like, "God is Powerful," "God is a Fortress," "God is My Provider," and "God is Love."We are all running a church, what if we joined together and became the Church? Here are 2 questions for you to ponder over – “How big can you grow a church?" and “How big can God grow The Church?”

All sermons from all international speakers from the churches who choose to be involved will be available online for you to view and to use should you choose to.

There is no need for you to use these sermons if you feel uncomfortable with the speakers and their teaching. You can teach your message in relation to the theme, “God is” allowing you to stick too your churches doctrines.

The One Prayer series will provide opportunities for us all to join as one as we participate within our local community. We need ideas! Please share if you have any. Examples: Special offering towards Living Hope, painting and general maintenance of a school.

Life will provide all promotional material for the series at no cost. Promotional material includes posters, pamphlets, video clips etc.

The series begins on June the 6-7 and can continue for as long as you choose it to. Most churches focus on 4 weeks where others have chosen to focus on either 6 or 8 weeks. The choice is yours!

Imagine what your home town will think as well as how they will respond when they see all the churches united as one for the month of June! Imagine the press coverage the Church would get through our city?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Shocking sex lives of Cape Town's teens

This article was originally published on page 1 of The Cape Times on February 17, 2009.

Shocking sex lives of Cape Town's teens

Teenagers who abstain from sex are "losers", HIV and Aids are "myths" and it is normal for girls to exchange sexual favours for material gain.

Those are just some of the disheartening beliefs that have emerged from a major UCT study of teenagers in Cape Town, which shows the enormous amount of peer pressure youngsters are under to party, forego educational opportunities and even tolerate violence if they stand to gain goods such as cellphones and clothing.

But conversely, youngsters are also making a greater effort to nurture relationships in their homes, and are more racially tolerant than ever before.

One of the study leaders, Rachel Bray, has called on skilled South Africans to share their knowledge about the education system with less-privileged adolescents, to help shift the widespread under-achievement the researchers investigate in the 350-page document.

Huge peer pressure to have sex, party and drop out of school; their parents' ignorance about education and, in one community, their elders' contempt for their abilities, were some of the obstacles causing large numbers of teenagers to fail.

The study, "Growing up in the New South Africa: Childhood and Adolescence in Post-Apartheid South Africa", examines children's lives at home, in the neighbourhood, among friends and at school. It describes the Cape Area Panel Study (CAPS) which followed the lives of 5 000 Capetonians aged 14 to 22, for four years until 2006. Those interviewed were a representative sample of communities across the city.

The researchers also took an in-depth look, over 16 months, at the lives of hundreds of children and adolescents in the largely white suburb of Fish Hoek, the coloured area Ocean View and the black township of Masiphumelele.

These settlements are close to one another in the South Peninsula but share socio-economic traits with others across the city, so are representative in key ways.

The researchers found unexpected similarities in these communities. For example, both boys and girls in all three places faced huge peer pressure to experiment sexually, and many faced what the researchers called "a quiet violence" in sexual relationships.

In Ocean View and Masiphumelele the choice was stark: enjoy the "sex and partying", or knuckle down to schoolwork. Many teenagers found it impossible to follow a lonely "straight and narrow" path. Only a very few, those highly skilled at negotiating relationships, managed to have boy- or girlfriends and stay committed to schoolwork.

Many teenagers ignored the pressure: about half of all 18-year-olds had had sex, the CAPS study found. But the poorer the community, the younger the sexual debut. About 83% of black girls and boys had had sex by the age of 19.

Teenagers said the abstainers were the "losers". In all three communities, teenagers found it hard to find adults who would give them guidance on sex and discuss their problems. In all three communities unsafe sex was widespread. Teenagers felt HIV posed them no threat, as it was "invisible".

Girls in all three places also believed their boyfriends should buy them designer clothes, cellphones or other goods and that men should be the decision-makers in relationships. Many girls in Ocean View and Masiphumelele sought "sugar daddies".

"Most of the time, girls want money from a relationship. They say, 'I'd better go out with someone who's working'," said a 17-year-old from Masiphumelele.

Many of these girls submitted to their boyfriends, even when they became violent.

One of the researchers' main concerns was that few poor parents understood the education process, from the content of school subjects to how to apply for bursaries.

Bray suggested educated adults "befriend" those in need of mentoring and "become role-models".

"We, as adults, need to facilitate children in finding such relationships, because poverty and the problems in education are not going to be sorted out tomorrow," she said.

"Children respect adults who have skills and want to share them. Relationships are what sustain young people and the quality of them is key."

· Names in the study were changed to protect the participants' identity.

Were you aware of this sort of thing? What can and should we do to change this?

Monday, February 16, 2009

I had a leak...

I was listening to a podcast by Tim Lucas of Liquid church a few days ago which really got me thinking… basically he shared a story about a how the bathroom wash basin started to leak every time he opened the tap.

Of course he thought to himself I gotta get that fixed… as do we when we something leaking in our homes, cars etc. However, as time went on he found himself getting more and more used to the leak. In other words he became accustomed to the leak. He learned to live with it. He settled for second best… until the leak got so bad and messed everything up in the bathroom when the pipes burst.

His pipe didn’t burst, cause he fixed it in the end (I think). But that got me thinking…

There are so many leaks in my own spiritual life. For example, there have been many occasions where I have said to myself that I’m too tired to spend some time reading the Bible. One day didn’t seem much to me and so it slowly became a habit. Eventually one became two and two became three etc.

It didn’t phase me as I slowly became accustomed to the leak and just taught myself to live with it. I kept telling myself that I’m human and I get tired and I can’t always meet the requirements of commited Bible reading…. I learned to live with the leak.

Recently however, I decided to fix the leak and move forward… now instead of 2/3’s of the water flow, I’m getting all of it and it’s tasting good!

Have you got a leak which you need to sort out? Have you become accustomed to a leak?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Who would sponsor Jesus - Levis or Quicksilver?

Ashley, a mate of mine, along with another friend of his, produced this poster to promote a up and coming series at their local church.

It really got me thinking... If Jesus were here today, what would he buy? Would he even need to buy anything? Maybe he'd be sponsored by levis... Quicksilver sponsership?

The reason I raised this is cause the poster did what I think Ash wanted it to do, it made me think about what I'm spending my money on...

I don't like answering the question as to what Jesus would buy cause it seems to be drastically different to mine...

Think I need to reshape a couple of things with my finances...
Have you ever been challenged by a poster? Can you share it with myself and the readers?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Follow Me...

I have just recently started a new job. After studying Theology (and still doing so) many have asked why it is that I went the way I did.

Honestly I went the way I did for 2 reasons. The first seems to be more accepted than the second but I’ll share them with you.

The first reason was the income. Compared to all the ‘theological’ careers I could have taken, my current job was the only one that would support me and my up and coming wedding.

Most people like that one…

The second causes issues for many Christians…

I took the job and turned down pastoral positions because I felt that it was the right thing to do. Many think that I should’ve taken the positions that were offered. I couldn’t, I just never felt ‘right’ about them.

To be honest, I never really accepted that reason whole heartedly either and so prayed and prayed and prayed about it… Did I mention I prayed about it? You get my point…

Last night I finally got my answer… It’s kinda weird how you can be reading something and then BOOM, the words just lift off the page and you KNOW that was meant for you.

This is what I read…

Psalm 32:8-9
8 The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.9 Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control."

So, finally… my heart is at peace and I know I’m doing the right thing!

Have you ever had a ‘smack in the face’ whilst reading the Bible?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Umpiring is a dangerous job!!!

For the past couple of weeks I've been following the pro20 series. Very awesome... Although my term isn't doing that great, they do still stand a chance and I'm holding thumbs... lets hope that they go through and win the tournament!!!

After watching the adverts with the balls moaning about how they get abused, I thought I'd see if I could find some of the pics to share with you as they really do make one laugh. However, I came across the picture shown here which made me think... What is the most dangerous sport to referee?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Honeymoon Planning...

I need your help... We're thinking of doing a 4 day cruise on board the Sinfonia. Check out the video and tell us what you think...

We're also wanting to know if you are aware of any other South African cruise company's.

Have you got any other suggestions for a honeymoon?

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