Monday, December 14, 2009
Students start ministry to men with ponytails
“We consider them a distinct unreached people group,” says Bart NKomo, 23, from St. Paul Bible College. “That ponytail is really a cry for help.”
The group of 13 sophomores and juniors pioneered their effort by visiting nature food stores, biker bars, Dead concerts and music shops – places with high concentrations of ponytailed men.
I'd love to hear your thoughts :)
(I'll reveal my source after a few comments)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
My final week under House Arrest (5 of 7)
Sitting here thinking that I have a couple of hours left is incredible. In all honesty, I actually wondered many times if this day would actually come… Tomorrow my life will change for the better. I’m both nervous and excited! Weird I know… let me explain why I feel this way.
For some, well… actually for most, my life will just go back to normal. For me however, my life takes on a whole new perspective!
Well… my life is not going back to what it was before my accident! It’s taking on a whole new sphere… Now, when I’m walking on the beach and I feel the sand between my toes, I won’t take it for granted as I used to. Now I will feel the sensation of freedom running between my toes… I will smell the scent of freedom which the ocean gives off…
Freedom has taken and will take on a whole new perspective for me.
Being allowed out of my house is not quite the same as what it used to be… nor will it ever be!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My final week under House Arrest (4 of 7)
Monday, August 17, 2009
My final week under House Arrest (3 of 7)
How I stay sane well spending so much time at home
Let me start off by stating that it is not easy. I do have my days where I feel like I’m sitting in a cage while the world carries on spinning around me. It has been a humbling experience for me to experience what it means to be placed under house as it shows one that whether or not you’re apart of the world, it’s going to carry on spinning.
Firstly I consider myself fortunate to be doing my time in an actual house. During my various meetings at the Correctional Department in Cape Town, I have meet many who are in a far worse state then I. I have meet some who are having to do their time in a shack within a informal settlement. This is heart breaking and again reminds me that despite my situation, I am better of then many others.
Being a student, I am always busy, be it with readings, assignments, presentations etc. It is possibly the one thing that grabs my time and really consumes it. During the college terms, I barely feel my house arrest as I barely have time to even think about. However, the terms at college do come to an end and I am then faced with the reality of what being under house arrest means. It is challenging as I find things to keep my mind busy.
I am fortunate enough to have a internet connection at home, so I use a large amount of my time reading and blogging online. Apart from that, I do play the occasional online game... I must also admit, (not that I'm sorry for it) that my personal library has grown quite substantially as I now have quite a large amount of time to spend reading. But as my lecturers keep saying, "That's a goooooood thing!!!"
I have also used the time in a practical manner to attack things that need to be done around the house. The past 4 months I have spent time painting, with my ipod in my pocket keeping me going. It's amazing how much information is available out there in terms of podcasts...
There are many other small things which keep me going, but these are the general things I do to get me from day to day…
Tomorrow I will share what it is that I have learned from being under house arrest. I will share how I have taken what seems to be a horrific and unfair event for many, and changed it into what I believe to be a blessing from God.
If you were under house arrest, how would you keep yourself busy?
My final week under House Arrest (2 of 7)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
My final week under House Arrest (1 of 7)
So, what I’d like to do over the next 6 days is share my story as I have previously shared it (I will be re-posting my House Arrest Series) as well as what I have learned over the past 2 years of being confined to the piece of land I call home.
With that said, let’s dive straight in then with the first installment of “House Arrest.”
House Arrest (1 of 4)
This week I thought I would answer some of the many questions I get in relation to my house arrest… Hopefully by the end of the week I would have answered some of the questions you may be wanting to ask me…
On the 19th of February 2006, I was involved in a car accident which resulted sadly (a couple of weeks later), in a death. Because I was the only driver still alive, I was charged and summonsed to appear in the local magistrates court. It was quite a nerve wrecking experience and I would suggest to all, if at all possible, stay away. The court room seems to be an area which just sucks all the living energy out of you in a matter of minutes. If you for any reason need to spend time in the court room, surround yourself with loved ones. They are and will be your backbone…
After a year and half (more or less) of trying to defend myself and keep out of our national prison, the case was finally brought to a close. It was an emotional time for me as I stood before the magistrate and waited to hear her sentencing. It is absolutely terrifying knowing that the person in front of you has all the power in the world to end your life there and then. I can still remember the feeling of the sweat running down the back of my neck as I prayed “Lord, PLEASE! If there was ever a time I believed in you, it is now!!!”
Finally, after reading literally everything that was said throughout the case hearings (over the year and a half), she finally got to the words, “I therefore sentence you to…” Those five words determined the practical outcome of my life, whether I liked it or not. She ended off with, “24 months house arrest and no more than 18 hours community service each month for the duration of your sentence.”
The beauty of the experience was how I learned what it means to truly know the peace of Christ. So often, like many others, I would blabber on and on about the peace of Christ and how I knew it and so on… The truth was, I had no idea what it really was until I really needed to know it. My first experience within the court room was one of absolute terror. It is only by the grace of God I didn’t pass out. Those around me referred to me as a ghost. Kinda scary if you think about it…
The morning before my second appearance, I decided to pray, even if it was just a 30 second prayer. I was going to ask God for help, and I was going to believe that he would and could help me. From that morning on, I was nervous in the court room, but no where near as nervous as my first appearance. The sense of peace I felt within my heart was unbelievable and pretty much impossible to describe in words. I learned, through receiving a life changing sentence, that God’s love is real. More real than you could possibly ever imagine.
Tomorrow I will explain what it means to be under house arrest whilst fulfilling a commitment of 432 hours of community service.
Have you ever experienced a similar event where the peace of God seemed so real?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Metro cops steal R113 000
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Passion could cause us problems...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Uncle Scam wants you!
It irritates me immensely how people do not think about what they are sharing on the net as well as what the links that they're clicking on.
I for one, do not click on any link that I feel uncomfortable with.
Emails are another area which irritate me... does it not seem weird when you get a email from some one you usually don't get an email from with the line, "Hey check this photo of you!" What about those emails from family members which are sooooo out of their character?
I know Hugh also gets frustrated with this kind of thing. I often come across blogs of his trying to explain to his readers who send him forwarded emails to open their eyes... eg. "You just won one million britian pound"
I've lost count of the times I've won a "million britian pound>" Am I the only one who is annoyed by people who don't read things properly?
Disclaimer (I openly admit that I often make mistakes whilst reading - but there needs to be a point surely, where we can spot these scams?)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sex: Shock findings about youth
Sex: Shock findings about youth
12/05/2009 08:04 - (SA)
Alicestine October, Die Burger
Cape Town - HIV/Aids can be transmitted via toilet seats, and the virus can be avoided by having a bath after sex.
Recently concluded research shows that these are some of the common beliefs among teenagers in the Anglican Church.
Last year the church commissioned research aimed at better understanding what its role can be in the battle against HIV/Aids among young people.
The University of Stellenbosch's unit for religious and developmental studies conducted the research among young Anglicans between the ages of 10 and 24, in 12 Anglican dioceses across the country.
A report on the research was presented at an HIV/Aids seminar at the University of Stellenbosch last week.
More than 10% sexually active.
Amongst other things, the research showed that more than 10% of young people between the ages of 10 and 13 are sexually active.
About 38% of respondents in this age group said that the pill can prevent HIV/Aids, and 30.4% believe that HIV can be transmitted via a toilet seat.
About 27% think that HIV infection can be prevented by bathing after sex.
Of the respondents, 97.1% described themselves as Christians, while more than 98% of them believe it is important to be healthy.
Nothing wrong with fondling.
The majority (63.5%) of those who have not yet had sex, feel that it is better to have sex only within the confines of marriage, while approximately two-thirds feel that there is nothing wrong with someone fondling them.
The researchers said that some of the more shocking findings, such as those about fondling, could be attributed to respondents misunderstanding the questions.
About 90% of the respondents indicated that they are worried about HIV.
According to the report, there is a gap between the values and morals which are adhered to on the one hand, and the behaviour which is exhibited on the other hand.
(Article taken from here)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
0 to 100 in a matter of seconds…
I’m talking about sex…
Christians believe that if you’re not married you should abstain. Keep to yourself. I agree whole heartedly in this as I am aware of the damage sexual relations can cause outside of marriage.
The other side of the fence is when one is in marriage. Here you are expected to have sex and if you aren’t having sexual intercourse with your partner, then the Church sees you as having marital problems. Oh and I’m all for the sex in marriage! :)
Here’s the issue: One moment you’re expected to be keeping to yourself and the next you’re expected to be going at it with full force.
What about the trip from not doing it at all to doing it at full throttle? Where is the guidance? Should there be any guidance?
Perhaps I’m the only one who thinks this way, but surely we as the Church should provide some sort of sexual guidance to the newly weds?
Your thoughts?
Monday, May 4, 2009
8-year-old Saudi girl granted a divorce after international outcry
8-year-old Saudi girl granted a divorce after international outcry
May 01, 2009 Edition 1
RIYADH: An eight-year-old Saudi Arabian girl who was sold into marriage by her father has been given a divorce after an international outcry, according to Saudi media.
The marriage of the girl to a man reportedly in his 50s was annulled on Wednesday in an out-of-court settlement overseen by a new judge in the city of Onaiza, after the original judge in the case refused to bend to pressure to grant the divorce, newspapers reported.
Riyadh newspapers said the settlement was reached after the intervention in the case by an "important personality".
The girl's father had sold her last year to the man in exchange for a dowry. When her mother found out, she petitioned the court for a divorce for the girl.
The judge twice rejected her case - though he stipulated that the marriage could only be consummated after the girl reached puberty. An appeals court sent the case back to the judge to reconsider, but he again ruled against divorce.
The case garnered strong criticism from international rights groups, and foreign diplomats raised the issue quietly with the Saudi government, according to sources.
United Nations Children's Fund executive director Anne Veneman had said the child's rights were being violated. "Unicef joins many in voicing concern that child marriage contravenes accepted international standards of human rights," she said.
While child marriage is not widespread in Saudi Arabia, the traditional practice has been condoned by some clerics, who say it is supported in Islamic teachings.
Saudi judges have frequently upheld child marriages based on their interpretations of Islamic sharia law.
But last week, at least two committees of the country's legislature, the Shura Council, were discussing a new law that would set the minimum marriage age at 18. - Sapa-AFP
Any thoughts?
(Original story taken from here)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Marriage Quotes By Men...
1.) I married Miss Right. I just didn't know her first name was Always.
2.) It's not true that married men live longer than single men. It only seems longer.
3.) A man was complaining to a friend: 'I had it all - money, a beautiful house, a big car, the love of a beautiful woman; then, Pow! it was all gone!' 'What happened?' asked the friend. "My wife found out.."
4.) Wife: Let's go out and have some fun tonight. Husband: Okay, but if you get home before I do, leave the hallway light on.
5.) How many men does it take to open a beer? None. It should be opened by the time she brings it to the couch.
6.) A man rushes into his house and yells to his wife, "Martha, pack up your things! I just won the lottery!" Martha replies, "Shall I pack for warm weather or cold?" The man responds, "I don't care. Just so long as you're out of the house by noon!"
7.) If your wife and a lawyer were drowning and you had to choose, would you go to lunch or to a movie?
8.) A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished.
Do you know any other funny quotes?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Little white envelopes please… or not!
Most people would give toasters, kettles etc. and we really don’t need two of everything, so we’re thinking of asking people to consider giving a financial gift if they were in the first place, considering giving one.
Monday, April 27, 2009
From the void
Below is the email:
Hi there
Well the time has dawned that I have run out of my own pearls of wisdom and require some guidance from a respected source. So technically I am asking this of you, not as my friend, but on a professional basis so to speak.
(Alternatively a good kick up the arse would also be appreciated)
So the reality of the situation is as follows... over the last 6 mths I've tried to indulge in the boys that have been throwing themselves at me (LOL as they do of course). But nothing seems to be working.
The problem in a nutshell is that I just don't feel anything - there is no spark, no emotional attachment. The thing that I do feel is that there is a void and lack of emotion. Clearly guilt is not far behind as these guys really do like me and would like to have a meaningful interaction or relationship but I just don't 'feel' it. And trust me it isn't for lack of trying... I try and spend as much time in their company, even indulge in some fun activites and yes physical contact....but I just don't feel anything emotional.
So this is my dilemma - do I settle and hope that at some point in being with someone the emotion will come back, or do I continue to try everyone on, searching for someone who will actually somehow get an emotional reaction out of me?
Please don't give me the age old time will heal all pains speech or the everything happens for a reason blah blah because frankly it provides no sense of comfort or reassurance. (And yes I have stopped the daily crying over ***** and really feel that I have moved on, all's forgiven and I have accepted my fate but for some reason that hasn't lifted this feeling of being a void!)
I'm sorry to be requesting this from you but hey at least its not asking you to come up with world peace! Perhaps your blog crowd would be able to come up with some interesting opninions/suggestions. "When you have loved & lost the One, do you settle for someone who thinks you are the One or do you keep searching till you find another One" ???
From the void
If you have any questions answered by her, I will mail her and post her response, unless she requests that I don't post it.
I have my own ideas and opinions as to what I think she could consider doing but she also wants to know what you guys think... so, what do you think?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Court approves marriage of girl, 8
April 20, 2009 Edition 2
RIYADH: Saudi Arabia was looking into introducing a minimum age for marriage, a justice ministry official was quoted as saying, after a court upheld the marriage of an eight-year-old girl to a man 50 years her senior.
Al-Madina newspaper yesterday quoted Mohamed al-Babtain, the director of marriage officials at the justice ministry, as saying the ministry had started "looking into the legal age of marriage". He did not elaborate.
Saudi Arabia has no legal age limit for marriage. Justice ministry officials were not available for comment.
The newspaper also quoted prominent cleric Sheikh Mohsen al-Obaikan as saying that girls below the age of 18 should not be allowed to marry.
Obaikan called for a ban on "marrying off little girls below the age of 18 to avoid these blights".
A court in the town of Unaiza upheld for the second time last week the marriage of the girl to a man who is about 50 years her senior, on condition he does not have sex with her until she reaches puberty. - Reuters
Have you heard of any similar stories? What should we do to prevent this kind of thing from happening in our country?
Article taken from here.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Zuma willing to reconsider abortion laws
Zuma willing to reconsider abortion laws
April 17, 2009 Edition 1
PRETORIA: Christians have been invited to raise objections to abortion laws and same-sex marriages with a Jacob Zuma presidency.
"JZ was not president when these things were happening ... there are no holy cows," ANC national executive member Mathole Motshekga told a debate at the University of Pretoria yesterday. "Anything one had problems with could be raised," he told the meeting, which was considering why Christians should vote for a particular political party.
The debate, which was attended by the ANC, the DA, Cope and the African Christian Democratic Party, also heard criticism of Zuma for a claim that God was on the ANC's side.
The DA's Willem Doman said the claim indicated a "move in the direction of a dictatorship". - Sapa
Have you hear any other ridiculous comments and statements by various political parties through their campaigning? (Story taken from here)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Boys and their toys...
Yesterday we looked at the Hyundai Getz and the i10 as well as the Ford Fiesta. All 3 are appealing to us and fit the budget fairly well. Do you guys have any experience with these cars or know stories about them?
Like I said, I’ve never bought a car from a dealer before so I’m not really sure what sorts of things to be on the lookout for as well as what sort of things I should ask. What do you suggest?
We’re also a bit confused and I’m hoping you guys could assist me in answering this question: Financially speaking, is it cheaper to buy a new car than a second hand car?
Got any suggestions you can share with Megs and I?
Friday, April 3, 2009
Divorce will be a clean break for her
But she ran out of patience when he knocked down and rebuilt a wall at their home when it got dirty, Christian Kropp, court judge in the central town of Sondershausen, said yesterday.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
No U2 on the horizon as fans rattled by hoax
No U2 on the horizon as fans rattled by hoax
Ralph Riegel
Hundreds of U2 fans were duped yesterday in an elaborate April Fool's Day prank when they rushed to a shopping centre believing the band was playing a surprise rooftop concert.
The prank -- organised by Cork radio station RedFM -- fooled listeners, with early morning details of the impromptu concert and live news bulletins during which U2 were clearly heard playing in the background.
The station also carried audio clips of "U2" playing a rooftop concert at Blackpool Shopping Centre. But, in reality, it was the tribute band U2opia.
The station claimed the real band wanted to make a gesture to Cork, as they are not playing a gig there this summer, and that they had decided to recreate their famous concert from the rooftop of a Los Angeles liquor store in the late 1980s.
That concert has gone down in rock 'n' roll legend, but this one will only go down in Red FM legend.
On first hearing of the U2 gig yesterday, fans rushed to the shopping centre from all over Cork city and county, with reports of some people running out of work to catch the impromptu gig and others abandoning their shopping to get to Blackpool.
By mid-morning, almost 500 people had gathered around the shopping centre to try and catch a glimpse of their rock heroes. The gardai and Cork fire brigade, who had been alerted in advance to the hoax, played along, and it was later broadcast that the concert was being shut down on health and safety grounds.
But hundreds of fans continued to mill around outside the shopping centre as a large crane hoist was used to bring security personnel to the roof, lending credence to the suggestion that Bono, The Edge, Larry and Adam were being told to pull the plug and get off the roof.
Fans admitted they were totally taken in by the prank, and one woman said she had driven 30 miles just to try to get to see U2.
Red FM and Blackpool Shopping Centre said they were taken aback by the reaction, but added that those duped had taken it in good humour.
© Irish Independent, 2009. (Original Post here)
Were you fooled this year?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Taking a step back in time...
What I need from you guys is your favorite 80’s classic(s). Think of those tunes that immediately get your feet tapping, your arms waving and your heart singing at full volume!!!
For example, one of my all time classic is Billy Ocean’s “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!”
Of course there are many more that get me on the dance floor and I’m sure in your case as well!
So, what are the ultimate 80’s classics that get you going?
Monday, March 30, 2009
Oh no not another evangelical christian… Part Four
“You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.”
This one I can’t help but agree with as I often find evangelical Christians telling others that God didn’t answer your prayer because it’s not his will. I understand that it may not be his will and that he may have said no, but it really irritates me when someone tells an individual that God didn’t heal their loved one cause it isn’t his will.
Ok, I know I missed a bit what he was saying… I often question as to whether God does actually hear my prayers or not. Lately however I’ve decided to relook at the way I view and understand prayer and I believe that I was given a rather warped view in the churches that I have attended. Perhaps it’s not their fault, perhaps it is, that’s not the point I’m trying to get across. What I am trying to say is that I believe there is a lot of theology based on prayer that a large number of churches for some odd reason are not sharing.
Do you ever struggle to believe in prayer?
“You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.”
This is a statement that I agree with whole heartedly. The majority of Christians I know don’t read the Bible. You show me one Christian who reads his/her Bible and I’ll show you ten who don’t. I often have more intellectual conversations about my faith with non-believers than I do with so-called Christians. If you’re a Christian shouldn’t you at least know a bit about your faith?
How often do you read your Bible?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Oh no not another evangelical christian… Part Three
Thought 6:
“You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.”
While this is not something I personal do, I know many individuals in the academic world who do. Does it really matter when, where and how the world was made? Don’t we have more important things to deal with? Eg. Extreme Poverty, Homeless People?
In my reading of Jesus’ life, I never saw him arguing over whether the earth was thousands or billions of years old. Rather I read of a Jesus who was interested (and still is) in today, the now.
Do you think this is a necessary argument?
Thought 7:
“You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and ‘loving.’”
Aaah… I think this has got to be the most controversial topic surrounding Evangelical Christianity. Is hell a real physical place, Yes? No? Well, depending on answer (I believe) your views and opinions would vary on this one. Hell will always be ‘hot’ topic of discussion.
What I would suggest here is that we (the evangelical Christians) seriously think about how we go about sharing our faith. Are the people around you aware of the fact that you’re a believer because you told them or are they aware of it because of your actions?
How do you share your faith with others?
Thought 8:
“While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity.”
I’m bound to get emails because of this one!
Tongue’s has always been a sensitive area of theology for me personally. I have often been told that I need to revisit my understanding of this gift as the view I hold is the incorrect view.
I don’t think speaking in tongues proves anything to a nonbeliever. If it does prove anything to them, it may be that you’re an idiot rolling around on the floor. No one who is visiting a church for the first time wants to see that kind of thing.
I took a friend of mine to home cell/life group meeting where she was looked down upon because she did not speak in tongues. She was really offended and honestly, I can’t blame her for feeling that way… Can you?
Do you think speaking in tongues is the best way to ‘prove’ Christianity?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Oh no not another evangelical christian… Part Two
“Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Yahweh slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees!”
This one I think boils down to either two things. The first being that many Christians don’t even read the Bible and so aren’t even aware of these sort of stories and the second being I believe, a misunderstanding of the scriptures. I myself am one of those ‘evangelical’ Christians who are against atrocities attrituted to Allah. Many of those who make use of this argument forget to take the ‘time period’ into consideration.
Large killings were common in ancient times… large killings are not common in today’s times. Do I need to point it out any further?
Do you agree with this fourth thought?
Fifth thought:
“You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.”
This is what makes Christianity so unique and different from other faiths. Again there is nothing else I can suggest here but to respect and love others of different religions. We may think that their faith stories are strange and unusual, but just how unusual is our story to them? It took me many years before I finally accepted the fact that Christ was born of a virgin and that he died and rose after 3 days. I now believe whole heartedly that Jesus is the only way to the Father (Just to clear that up before I start getting more of those threatening emails!).
Were you easily convinced regarding the virgin birth?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Oh no, not another evangelical christian… Part One
I recently read a blog post titled “10 Things I hate about you… er sorry… Evangelical Christianity,” which really got me thinking… In this post, there were some rather challenging thoughts. Although I don’t necessarily agree with them all, there are a few points which sadly explain the status of Evangelical Christianity today. One only has to read a few books such as to “They like Jesus but not the Church” by Dan Kimball or “UnChristian” by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons to gain a small glimpse of how the evangelical church has sadly marred her own identity.
What I thought I’d do through 3-4 posts, is work my way through this blog and share my thoughts and in return hear yours. I know that some of you are quite conservative in your thinking and so I’d love to hear your thoughts as to why you disagree with some of this authors thoughts.
Here is the first thought:
“You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.”
This I would argue is so common, we don’t even see it, perhaps because we’re the ones doing the arguing. I say we as I see a bit of evangelical Christianity in my own spirituality although I don’t really enjoy labeling myself. That’s another discussion tho!
Why is it that we expect people to listen to our arguments as to why the/our Christian God exists and yet we don’t have the energy, time, patience, or whatever it is listen and hear out their story. Perhaps they to have thought through their religion and they believe theirs makes more sense than what ours does.
Here is the second thought:
“You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.”
This one caught me off guard a bit as I’ve never really thought of the creation of humanity in this sense. I certainly have been criticized many times with regards to my understandings of and views on the doctrine of humanity, as I go against what most ‘reformed’ and perhaps ‘liberal’ scholars would believe. I’m open to chatting about this at some point. A future post? Maybe…
What is it about evolution that gets under your skin?
Here is the third thought:
“You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.”
Why is it that we think people are (to put it nicely) silly when they worship cows, elephants etc? A very valid point I believe, is raised here. We insult and laugh at someone worshiping something they in most cases can see, understand and touch when the God we serve is a God who is 3 persons in 1. A God who is/was in one place yet was all over at the same time. A God who is all powerful yet died a sickening death on a cross. There are many things about our God which doesn’t make sense at all… have you thought about the God you worship against the God they worship?
These really are just quick random thoughts off the top of my head in response to what I read. I’ve also tried to share and provoke your thinking based on my personal experiences with those in other religions. Should we not sit and think through this before start trying to convince others that we have the answer?